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Towards the Zero Point

2 channel video installation / 2017

HD, 5 min / 23 min loop, sound, color

Kinect, Max MSP

Towards the Zero Point deals with strategies of the human civilization progress: conquest and appropriation. The idea was to look back to the history and to find an example: the conqest of the North Pole – an area, which is highly appreciated by the countries and which seems to disappear soon from the maps. The visitors are invited to make a 3D trip and to set their flag at the geographical zero point (90°), provided they will arrive there. 

The work was developed for the Media Art Festival in Rome during a residency at the Fondatione Mondo Digitale. With the friendly support by the Goethe Institute Rome.

Thanks to Anton Werner.

In collaboration with
Ioannis Kaltirimtzis (3D)
Federico Foderaro (Max/MSP) 

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